The Top 7 Mistakes in Performance Testing
This is my talk on the Top 7 Mistakes in Performance Testing that I delivered at the first Neotys Performance Advisory Council in November 2017. My presentation can be downloaded from SlideShare, and Neotys will be making all 15 speakers’ slides available soon. [slideshare id=83352854&doc=neotyspac2017-top7mistakesinperformancetestingv1-171204222626] […]
Neotys Performance Advisory Council 2017
Recently, Neotys (the company responsible for NeoLoad) held their first Performance Advisory Council in Scotland. Their idea was to get 15 of the top performance testers together to talk about some of the trends that are influencing the future of the industry, such as IoT, AI, shift-right, and DevOps. Performance testers traveled from the U.K., France, New Zealand, Germany, USA, Australia and India to share their ideas on the the changes they are seeing to load and performance testing. Holding the event at Borthwick Castle (built in 1430) gave us a picturesque (if slightly incongruous) backdrop to our discussions about [...]